2020 Book Release!! - Site Currently Under Construction
The reason why I say "Our Story", is because the Peace Is Priceless brand isn't just about me, but the countless women and men who suffered in silence like me. "Thank God I don't look like what I have been through!" Emotional or psychological abuse is real and it is just the beginning stage of conditioning you to accept behavior that will lead to even more dangerous circumstances, while allowing your self-esteem/worth to be chipped away bit by bit. Remember to pack while you pray and leave without discussion.
Hi! My name is Katrail, and I go by the pseudonym "Katrail Rich". I am an Author, Daughter and Survivor! The mission of Peace is Priceless is to publish encouraging books, while providing merchandise that uplifts others' spirits and lets them know that there is a light that leads to peace and that light is Jesus Christ. He is the only way to get through this journey called life.